CORONA UPDATE Hochschulbad!

Swimming at University Stadium


Our swimming pool is open again for individual swimming since this week – but only for members of the TU Darmstadt. Guests are still not allowed to use the university stadium.

For concrete information on the schedule as well as the possibility to book swimming lanes and times as part of our early swimmer offer, please use this.

For booking at a later time of the day, please use this.

A maximum of one person is allowed to swim per lane. Access via the turnstile at the entrance via ticket barcode allows contact tracing in case of infection. Access via the Athene card is currently not possible!

The swimming pool may only be entered for the booked period. The sunbathing lawns in the university stadium, as well as the showers and changing rooms are still not usable. In this context, please also note our hygiene concept on the homepage.

We hope to be able to welcome our guests back to the university stadium soon. However, we ask for your understanding that this will not be possible under the current conditions until further notice.